I love and hate Flowstate. It really allows me to get out of my own way of procrastinating. When I am about to write something, I have to think twice about using Flowstate or some other editor.
If I use Flowstate, then I am committing to completing at least five minutes of uninterrupted writing. If I choose another editor, I know I am giving myself permission to:
* pause indefinitely/frequently,
* look in the refrigerator,
* check my email,
* change a word to bold,... then back to regular,... then to italics maybe (?)
or whatever else I can do, other than write.
It’s not that the other way of doing things is bad, it just prolongs the process (See the schism?).
Things I have learned so far using this wonderful app. One, I don’t allow myself to panic and type too fast. This creates all kinds of errors to be dealt with later. No need to rush, just try to type at a consistent speed. Let the errors and typos go.
I also discovered that you do not have to save things to Notes only when you finish. Clicking anywhere in the text will place my cursor and a simple Command A(ll) will highlight everything (though it may be hard to see) and a Command C(opy) will capture everything. Open my chosen editor and paste the copied material {Command V).
I did the bare bones of this review in Flowstate, then corrections and additions in Type. I could have, just as easily, used any of the editors I have.
MelGreer about Flowstate