It works!
I’ve listend about being in flow on Bulletproof podcasts, followed by the rise of superman podcasts. I know the sensation of writing in flow. It’s just hard to will yourself to go there.
This app forces you to get into flow. My main problem is I love tech. The very tool I use to write on, my Mac, is also my main source of enteratinment in so many ways.
This app forces me to focus and not check my email, look at the lastest mac rumors, message my friends, etc.
You HAVE to keep wrting when using this app which forces you to ignore the voice which doubts the wulity of your work as well. Tap into creativity and leave the editing for later. Editing itself, as you know, is a distraction.
I also like the dramatic feeling you get when the app simply switches from the main screen to the blank page, like you’ve left the world behind.
Great stuff, but this review has been another distraction. Back to writing.
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